Finishing of columns in the hall for FERI, s.r.o. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
8. 7. 2019
We have finished the project of modification of the steel columns in the hall of FERI s.r.o., Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
We received a request from our customer to remove the column to create a hole for the new technology. This column carried part of the roof and two crane tracks. Instead of a mast two trusses had to be mounted - one for the roof and the other for the crane tracks. It was also necessary to create a horizontal bracing at the bottom and to fit three new columns. We carried out a demanding installation using two cranes, which performed the lifting from inside the hall through the skylights of the roof. To anchor all parts, we connected the rails used for crane travel.
The smooth implementation of this demanding implementation was mainly due to the large customer support and professional work of the Works L&W group s.r.o.
Our thanks go to FERI employees for their great support and perfect cooperation.