Works L&W group s. r. o. References
All (22) Production (15) Installation (15) Steel structure (7) Piping systems (11) Investments units (5) Technological equipment (9) Custom production (2)
ClonBio, Hungary
Pipeline prefabrication and installation
WLW production
Portable campfire place "ENJOY".
ALLIA, France
Manufacture and installation of piping
CTL 45, France
Manufacture of stainless steel containers
Johnson Controls Building Solutions, Czech Republic
Cold generation piping with steam absorption system
PROMONT a.s. Ostrava, Czech Republic
Benzene Adiabatic Nitration
FIB Belgium s.a, Belgium
Wire electroplating bath
Lučební závody Draslovka, a. s., Kolín, Czech Republic
Installation of DN 500 piping and equipment
SteelTech s.r.o, Chrudim, Czech Republic
Production of carbon steel platform
WLW custom production
Custom radiator
AGC automotive, Chuděřice, Czech Republic
Replacement of an autoclave